Sunday, November 14, 2010

and i've give up hope for the afternoon soaps...and a bottle of cold brew

In order to avoid coming up with clever titles, i think I will just stick with the lyrics from Rock of Ages that are constantly running through my head. Non-stop. I have been told this will eventually cease, I'm not sure if I believe it...but I am updating this to procrastinate cleaning my room to make room for MY BED that will be arriving this week. AH! I AM SO EXCITED TO NOT SLEEP ON THE FLOOR! ahem.

Today at the theatre I had a couple of older ladies sit in my "section" who asked me if they could take a photo. (Note: don't ask ushers if you can take photos. Just take them. Then we will come tell you not to but you still got a photo...). Anyway they were kind enough to ask but of course I said no. Then they called me back over a second time and begged to let them take a photo because it was their "girls weekend" and they "had been handcuffed, stuck in the belly of a whale and having a generally wild time" and I guess this was really important to them. First this was really TMI for me and second that is not going to convince me to break the rules even though you are being Thelma and Louise for the weekend...

Also I was informed tonight that as an employee of an arts center I get free entry into most big museums in Toronto and free rides to the top of the CN tower  - AND in some places my I can bring guests for free or for 1/2 price so ooobviously YOU SHOULD COME VISIT ME and we will do fun things for cheap. This probably excites me more than getting benefits (5 more months to go!). Though it was brought to my attention today that the males I work with have been discussing my southern heritage in their locker room. Apparently because I am from SC I eat squirrels  and have black slaves because that's the only way black people can come into white neighborhoods or something...highly amusing. I told them to stop watching so much Beverly Hillbillies.

I love my job.

1 comment:

  1. Wait - when did you get this new job?

    PS - LOVE the background of your blog?
